Locals Only (online screening) POST SCREENING
Locals Only is an our first online screening of artists in Colorado working in Film/Video and Performance Art for Video.
The screening is suggested donation of $10 but please pay what you feel comfortable paying and enjoy the work.
All money collected goes to the artists in the screen equally.
Screening start time 8:00pm (not punk time)
*Note: Know that this is a deviation from our normal programming mentality so what we show may not reflect the perspectives of Collective Misnomer but does reflect the stances/places of people in our community.
Name - Laura R Conway
Title of work - Rear Window
Year made - 2017
Duration - 8:30
Artist statement - "Yet by calling full, you created emptiness" - My fortune cookie last night. A journey into my own butt and back out again.
Where do you live in Colorado? - Denver
Artist website or online presence - lauraconway.org
Full Name: Cyane Tornatzky
Title of work: Where I am When I'm Not With You
Year made: 2019
Duration: 3:21
artist statement: The geometry of a triangle has three vertices, each culminating in a point that reaches out and away from its two companions. When one point is at the top, a triangle is vaguely phallic, when two points are northerly, it is yonic. I think about triangles often, as I am one of three in my house: to one - a mother, to another - a wife and to myself - something else again.
In Buddhism there is a concept of Anatta - or "no-self". Anatta is part of three existential markers, along with Anicca or "impermanence" and Dukkha "suffering or dissatisfaction". Again, a relationship triangle. This idea of "no-self" is hard for me as a westerner to understand. What is "no-self" when I seem to be something to others?
This animation is my exploration and searching towards understanding my own "no-self". No self as in, no body and nobody.
Where do you live in Colorado: Fort Collins
Artist website or online presence: cyanerollinstornatzky.com
Full Name: Curt Heiner
Title of work: Here
Year made: 2010
Duration: 15:06
Artist statement: To the viewer, a narrative following a man doing field recordings around a nameless city, home movies providing unknown context to a wandering, seemingly purposeless endeavor. To the filmmaker, a personal reflection on early childhood, returning to places once occupied, recovering lost memories through sound and re-visitation. The city is Denver. At times, nonfiction, pure remembrance and return. At others, fictional reconstruction, relived as what possibly was and what maybe could have been. Overall, a structural portrait of a city and a life, constructed through past and present time, sound, and image.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: vimeo.com/curtheiner
Full Name: Benjamin Powell
Title of work: Opposite
Year made: 2019
Duration: 60 seconds
Artist statement: The reflection is the closest a person can get to seeing themself, but it is also a perfect opposite of them. This reflection can be completely different than what the person imagines, and others’ perception of them can be very much the opposite of how they identify. "Opposite" explores which perception of the self is "real" and the loss of identity when others' perception of a person does not align with their concept of self.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: benjaminpowellart.com
Full Name: Emily Van Loan
title of work: A Watched Cunt Never Cums
Year made: 2019
Duration: 3 min.
Artist statement: Emily Van Loan is an experimental filmmaker and artist. She creates diaristic, autobiographical works with the intention of fostering connections between audience and maker or perhaps within an audience.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Boulder
Artist website or online presence: emilyvanloan.com
Full Name: Ben Kinsley
Title of work: Dirt Worshiper I
Year made: 2020
Duration: 11:44
Artist statement: "Dirt Worshiper I" is a macro audio/visual meditation on the flora in my backyard, created in a period of self-isolation during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
“Dirt worshiper” has been used as a derogatory term to describe environmentalists; however, it has become increasingly clear that soil health (and the fungal mycelium throughout) plays a vital role in the health of our planet.
As an avid mushroom hunter, I spend a lot of time moving slowly while staring at the ground. This has become a meditative practice for me. In Colorado, much attention is given to rain patterns, soil moisture, overnight temperatures, and elevation. As the season progresses, we follow the mushrooms (and moisture) up the mountain. I had originally planned to record video footage and sound within the various ecozones of the Rocky Mountains: Prairies/Grasslands, Riparian, Foothills, Montane, Subalpine, and Alpine (this will become "Dirt Worshiper II"). Given the unknown duration of the current travel restrictions and stay-at-home orders, I decided to start within my own backyard.
Seen: Ground covered in early spring snow, soil and compost in garden bed, ground under juniper tree, groundcover, grass, mycelium under mulch.
Heard: Snow melting, compost pile, grass, wind in leaves and groundcover, hay and mulch.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Colorado Springs
Artist website or online presence: benkinsley.com
Full Name: Hayley Barker
Title of work: Bones, Rot, & the Growth In Between
Year made: 2020
Duration: 1:21 min
artist statement: Bones, Rot & the Growth In Between is a sculptural exploration that uses inorganic elements to exhibit the process of decay and rebirth in a simulated forest ecosystem.
Modern Western societies are far disconnected from the natural processes of death and rebirth that complete the cycle of life. Caskets and embalming fluids discourage the process of decay, while organisms in our natural world integrate themselves in this cycle of their surroundings every day. Non-decaying plastics are emblematic of such disconnection, slowly disintegrating for millions of years but never going to rebirth.
Depictions of plastic mushrooms, bugs, and other plant matter represent the liminal process of our own life cycle. The organisms work to break down decaying matter into nutrients used to grow new parts of the forest. As the forest grows, humans connect through the oxygen that is being produced, further integrating the cycle of life within ourselves and nature. This sculpture only exists within the time it is created, just as living beings only exist in a time capsule of their own mortality.
It is necessary to acknowledge and experience the full life cycle that encompasses death and rebirth; it bridges humanity to the sublime of nature and the deeply rooted connection that all living beings experience.
Bones, Rot, & the Growth In Between is a vision of life, death, and rebirth replayed through a cyclical stop motion performance, confronting the viewer with the acceptance of their own natural process through existence and what happens in a life cycle.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: hayleyjo.me
Full Name: Laura Hyunjhee Kim
Title of work: AR Pony
Year made: 2020
Duration: 1min 20sec
artist statement: Laura Hyunjhee Kim is a Korean-American multimedia artist who contemplates and reimagines digitally constructed on/offline (non)human experiences. Thinking through making, she performs moments of incomprehension: when language loses its coherence, necessitates absurd leaps in logic, and reroutes into intuitive and improvisational sense-making forms of expression. Blending and bending pop cultural tropes that playfully engage with the amateur aesthetics of the internet, she utilizes consumer electronics in production and draws inspiration from viral memes, lo-fi pop music, narrative found-footage film, and kitschy low-budget commercials. Her current projects examine the influences of consumer technologies on human and (non)human interaction and the feelosophical experiences of the body.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Boulder, CO
Artist website or online presence: lauraonsale.com + instagram.com/lauraonsale
Title of work: Wall
Year made: 2010
Duration: 3:15
artist statement: Collaborating since 2010, Tobias Fike and Matthew Harris have dragged each other across the desert, wrestled each other’s shadows, and tried to catch glass objects while blindfolded. Their work addresses the everyday difficulties of human relationships, often using humor and irony to highlight the real struggles involved in negotiating difficult situations. They have exhibited widely, including at the Fonlad Digital Arts Festival (Coimbra, Portugal), the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (Boulder, CO), and the David B. Smith Gallery (Denver,CO). In 2013, they performed live for the opening of Denver’s Biennial of the Americas First Draft exhibition where they tested the collision of beach balls at high speeds.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Arvada/Denver
Artist website or online presence: tobiasfikeart.com / matthewharris.net
Full Name: Jaelyn Larson & RaeAnne Torres
Title of work: Refractive Error
Year made: 2019
Artist statement: We were inspired by how our eyes perceive shapes of color, especially during nighttime. We turned this into a performance piece where we experimented with light and motion through dance. We were in total darkness, guided only by the source of our lights. We further manipulated our performance by using a frame buffer program in real time and in post production.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Fort Collins
Artist website or online presence: raeannetorres.wixsite.com/portfolio/videos / jaelynlarson.wixsite.com/design
Password: grgen
Full Name: Jason Bernagozzi
Title of work: Dialectic
Year made: 2019
Duration: 08:33
Artist statement: In a space between past and present, nostalgia and jargon, signal and image, Dialectic is an experimental single channel video that explores the conditions of encoded contradiction. Set in an old 1950’s gas station museum in rural Missouri, the vintage automobiles and faded mannequins are imbued with the myth of American exceptionalism. As the video moves forward, it also moves back, causing a flickering and breakdown of the video as an electronic material unable to resolve, expressing a kind of computational poetry that finds a new state in between.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Fort Collins
Artist website or online presence: seeinginvideo.com
Full Name: Cali M. Banks
Title of work: Reclamation
Year made: 2020
Duration: 12:20
Artist statement: Cali M. Banks explores the complexities of the female body and experience through photography, videography, performance, and new media. Working within the realm of public versus private narratives, these ideas stem into personal narratives related to identity and discourses on femininity, which can then be adapted by a larger audience. Banks also disrupts, distresses, or alters the processes she is using. She does this manually in digital, as well as analog, processes throughout the progress of her works. Being interested in creating intimate experiences, Banks creates immersive multimedia installations, photographic prints, performances, and standing objects.
"Reclamation" discusses the act of reclaiming the female body and anatomy through ritualistic performance. The pink rose motifs stem from Banks' Lenape/Munsee heritage, while the fruits and vegetables are symbols of female genitalia and pleasure. The sound originates from a microphone inserted into Banks' vagina. The sounds heard are urination, vibrator speed and pattern settings, and vaginal secretions.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Boulder
Artist website or online presence: calimariebanks.com, @bankscal on instagram
Full Name: Jullian Young
Title of work: Seasonal Pulse Part II
Year made: 2019
Duration: 2:17
Artist statement: “Seasonal Pulse Part II" evokes the cyclical and ambient nature of the changing of the seasons, and a deeper human understanding of the constant cycle of life and death. Starting from a desolate and colorless winter landscape, the video sways and flows constantly and subtly shifting into spring as a reminder that while the cycle of cold and warm, life and death, winter and spring is always moving, this endless motion means that we are never stuck in one place for too long. In these uncertain times, it is important to remember that this event will also pass, and at the other end is new growth, or spring.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: jullianyoung.com
Full Name: Joseph Kolean
title of work: JUICES
Year made: 0000
Duration: 08:30
Artist statement: JUICES is a deadpan, absurdist short film that was photographed in 2016 and completed in 2020. Two women attempt to transport a corpse in a post-apocalyptic landscape where nature has returned to power.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: josephkolean.com; Instagram: @josephkolean and @itscalledmoviecompany
Full Name: Jenna Maurice
title of work: Elements of Drama: Study #1
Year made: 2014
Duration: 2:14
Artist statement: In this video I explore the elements of drama as set forth by Aristotle. The elements are:
Diction- Specific language the artist chooses to use.
Spectacle- All the visuals represented in the work
Thought- What the audience learns
Characters- The work must be about someone
Melody- Everything you hear - music, sound effects, silence are all examples of this.
Plot -Work must have a beginning, middle and end. Something needs to happen.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: jennamaurice.com
Full Name: Kim Shively
Title of work: N O T H I N G
Year made: 2020
Duration: 13:22
Artist statement: a study in energy transfer.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: vimeo.com/seahagpictures
Full Name: Debora Bernagozzi
title of work: Green Clouds Temple
Year made: 2012
Duration: 15:00
Artist statement: Green Clouds Temple was recorded in January 2012 when I visited the town of Melaka while an artist in residence in Malaysia. The temple, also called Cheng Hoon Teng, is the oldest continuously operating temple in Malaysia, dating back to 1645. While I am not Buddhist or Taoist, this space resonated deeply within me – the strong presence of memorialized ancestors, the movements, sounds, and colors of ritual space shared by many thousands of people joined across generations. A few months after my time in Malaysia, during a residency at Squeaky Wheel in Buffalo, New York, I used a Max/MSP/Jitter patch to split the video into 4 copies of itself playing at different speeds and controlled through virtual oscillators. I then fed this 4 layer footage back through the system, resulting in multiple iterations, with the 4th containing 256 layers of video. I combined the different iterations together to create this piece. Brief moments were drawn out and altered, blending with the events preceding and following, creating a constantly evolving tapestry. The audio is a combination of pure and processed sound from the temple. I have found that pure documentation of ritual does not convey the emotional content, the feeling of the experience, adequately. I often process video using recursive systems, to create abstracted, experiential pieces that are in some ways more true than the unaltered footage.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Fort Collins
Artist website or online presence: deborabernagozzi.com
Full Name: Andrea Bagdon
Title of work: Specter and Spectator
Year made: 2019
Duration: 3:52
artist statement: In my recent series of work, I look to the abject to talk about uncomfortable narratives of womanhood. The figures operate in a state where there is a general shift in the conceptions of the real. My work examines intimate and disrupted domestic scenes of self-conflict that have been brought on by obsessive cultural programming. By using uncomfortable and layered representations of the domestic and the female form I intend to disrupt the voyeuristic spectatorial inspection of the viewer.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Fort Collins
Full Name: Skye Mitchell
title of work: Product
Year made: 2014
Duration: 2:40
Artist statement: This is a piece about the disconnect that technology creates by giving us the illusion of being connected to one another. In reality however much of the social media in today's world can isolate us from each other.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Denver
Artist website or online presence: vimeo.com/skyemitchell
Full Name: Finley Baker
Title of work: Where Stories Repeat Themselves
Year made: 2020
Duration: 05:20
Artist statement: The land is a physical story that is constantly being rewritten and revised. This story that we are all a part of is radically shifting. Whole narratives are being deleted at an alarming rate. While many of us are often preoccupied with these large shifts, the smaller more nuanced changes to our stories can be overlooked. It is often beyond the personal power of the individual to stop these revisions to the land around us, the least we can do is document and remember. The videos were collected over three years on roadtrips through Colorado, Nebraska, Utah, New Mexico, Kansas, Missouri and Texas. By digitally blending video with monotype printmaking, I am shifting the focus from the actual experience to the memory and reflection of the experience. When the small things, the stories of the land that are important to us on a personal level, are gone, the memory will remain.
Where do you live in Colorado?: Lochbuie
Artist website or online presence: finleybaker.com