Nika Kaiser in person!!!

Dreamtime: An Uncanny Wilderness

A program of video works that link folklore and the supernatural qualities of landscape to human experience.

Bio: Nika Kaiser is a photographer, video and installation artist. Born in the desert of Tucson, Arizona, this native landscape informs her work as she combines ideas of psychological transformation, regional histories, folklore and environmental conservation.

Kaiser received her MFA from University of Oregon in 2013. Her work has been exhibited
internationally, including shows at Bruce High Quality Foundation, Brooklyn, NY; Portland
Museum of Modern Art, Portland, OR; Disjecta Gallery, Portland OR; Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild,
NY; University of Dubai, UAE; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tucson AZ; WNDX Festival of the
Moving Image, Winnipeg, MB; Antimatter [Media Art], Victoria, BC; University of Rostock, GE.
She has been the recipient of numerous awards, most recently the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Fellowship. She is an alumni member of the collective Ditch Projects in Springfield, OR and current member of the female video collective Ungrund. Her photographs and videos have been featured in Vice Magazine and on National Public Radio.

at the Dikeou Pop-Up [312 E Colfax Ave Denver, CO 80203]

7:30pm Doors - 8:00pm (not punk time) screening.
$10 or pay what you can. No one turned away.

Facebook event page is here.



Title: Meditation (sound by Ryan Chavira)

Year: 2016

Duration: 22:00

An excerpt from Meditation: video and soundscape using cyclical, repetitive sound and visual patterns to illicit a guided meditative state in the viewer. 



Title: Gabriel Sullivan - Hollow Hunter (Music Video)

Year: 2015

Duration: 5:40

Statement: A music video for Gabriel Sullivan, inspired by the folklore of the borderlands and photographic imagery of iconic Mexican photographer Graciela Iturbide.



Title: Subtle Body,

Three-Channel Video Cycle

Year: 2013

Duration: 3:40

Statement: Subtle Body is exploration into what the physical self belies. A term representing all parts of a being but their physical self in early esoteric occult philosophies, subtle body refers both simply to the vague appearance of a human form and all constituent elements of a body that have existed before it's life and after it's death.



Title: Prom Body - Guttuggering (Music Video)

Year: 2014

Duration: 2:45

Statement: Music video for Prom Body, a voyage inside the mind.



Title: Cicada Cadence

Single Channel Video

Year: 2013

Duration: 14:05

Statement: A cyclical walkabout, Cicada Cadence mines the desert landscape as a milieu for transformation and unfixed identities. Drawing from cinematic works by Maya Deren, regional mythologies and personal symbology, a narrative of the artist as a desert dweller is drawn upon to create a universal map of self-ness through layered associations. 



Title: Human Behavior - Chapter 3 (Music Video)

Year: 2015

Duration: 5:20

Statement: In this music video for Human Behavior a figure encounters a television and reflects upon itself and technology in nature. 



Title: Catskill Cycle

Three Channel Video 

Year: 2016

Duration: 11:00

Statement: A three channel non-linear narrative involving a witch-like protagonist describes the layered histories and folklore of the catskill region and its relationship to the landscape itself.