the way things are. the way they are going to be. part three.

January 25th, 2019

at the Dikeou Pop-Up [312 E Colfax Ave Denver, CO 80203]

7:30pm Doors - 8:00pm (not punk time) screening.
$10 or pay what you can. No one turned away.

facebook event page is here

A screening addressing how our current culture will define and limit the futures available to us.



Artists: Danielle Davis & Ryan Maxey

Music: Zack Wright

Sound Design: Danielle Davis

Cinematography/Editing: Ryan Maxey

Buchla Sounds: Andrew Felix

Title: Chocolate Mountain Metal

Statement: A New Yorker settles in the California desert near one of the largest active military bombing ranges in the States. The range supports a community of outlaws and anarchists who dare to scavenge the abandoned missile parts for recyclable metal.

Origin: USA

Year: 2016



Artist: John Wilson

Title: The Road To Magnasanti

Statement: "In 2010, an obsessed gamer designed the perfect game of Sim City. Achieved through a repeating pattern of clustered high rises, “Magnasanti” exposes the hellish consequences of top-down civic design. In his new documentary, John Wilson explores how New York City is creeping closer and closer to realizing this fictional metropolis."

Origin: USA

Year: 2017



Artists: Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby

Title: Bad Ideas for Paradise

Statement: Bad Ideas for Paradise is a 20-minute episodic videotape by Cooper Battersby and Emily Vey Duke.  Funny, touching and ambitious in scope, Bad Ideas continues to deal with many of the themes addressed in Duke and Battersby's earlier works: addiction, spirituality, identity, relationship dynamics and the ongoing quest for joy.

"There is no such thing as self-esteem.  Self-esteem as a construct is illogical and contradictory, so its frequent deployment as the lynch-pin of New Age discourse seems to me satisfyingly appropriate.  I don't trust anyone who doesn't have frequent bouts of self-loathing. There is something truly monstrous about the self-righteous. Eating a well-balanced diet is a horrible act of aggression.  Whenever I hear the word "culture" I think of bacteria mutating under an ultraviolet light and I'm happy again for a while. Within the petri dish: unfettered egoless desire, the proliferation of new possibilities ideas made flesh, uncaring and finally airborne.  Empathy is a tool for making the cruelty more precise. Beauty is independent of taste; the sublime only works for suckers. Whenever I laugh I feel guilty." – Steve Reinke

Origin: Canada/USA

Year: 2001



Artist: Kelly Sears

Title: After Fall

Statement: A rapidly animated version of how the following year can unfold, put into motion days before the confirmation vote occurs.

Origin: USA

Year: 2018



Artist: Christina Battle

Title: Water once ruled

Statement: Initially made for contact landing(s) an exhibition curated by Ellyn Walker – Thames Art Gallery 2018.

Collaging appropriated footage with original imagery, Water once ruled collapses the past, present and future into a single repeating loop. Linking the introduction of satellite imagery with the colonization of our own as well as other planets, the video considers water – and the lack there of – as the distressed resource connecting Mars’ history with Earth’s present and future.

Origin: Canada

Year: 2018



Artist: James Connolly

Title: Aesthetic Catharsis in the Era of American Fascists

Statement: Aesthetic Catharsis in the Era of American Fascists examines the racial, psychological, and image-based power structures behind the spectacle-oriented nature of contemporary American politics. Dissecting the idolization of Donald Trump through the tools of film theory, aesthetics, media archaeology, and appropriation, our current political reality is analyzed through an amalgamation of video formats and structuralist-informed, heavily composed editing techniques.

Origin: USA

Year: 2017



Artist: Michal Mitro

Title: The Undiscovered Self

Statement: Contributing: all the textual content is based on excerpt from Carl Gustav Yung’s book named Undiscovered Self.

Origin: Indonesia

Year: 2015